It is time to get your boiler and burner checked by a professional! At Energo, our qualified professionals do just that. For New York City customers, Energo provides a full slate of HVAC services including boiler and burner tune-ups, installations, and more.
If possible, your boiler should be inspected in the spring instead of the fall. That’s because after working hard all winter long, soot can build up inside your boiler, and if left untreated during the summer months, it can cause erosion in your boiler, which can further damage your system. Spring is also the ideal time for your system to be checked because if there is an issue with your system, it can be fixed (or replaced) well before the winter weather – so you won’t be left without a heating source when you need it most.
What to Expect
What will the technician do when they check your boiler or burner? A technician will thoroughly inspect your system to ensure it is operating effectively, efficiently, and safely. This includes inspecting any connections and wires, as well as cleaning and inspecting the heat exchanger and burner assembly. The vents will also be inspected, and all safety and operating controls will be tested and verified.
Overall, the technician will check for any signs of wear and tear, leaks, and any other underlying issue before it becomes a problem. If the technician finds any issues, they’ll be able to diagnose the problem and present a solution.
Why Get an Inspection?
It is important to check your boiler and burner annually to ensure that everything is operating properly and efficiently, which can help you save money in the long run.
Here’s another reason why you should get an annual inspection — property owners can be fined if the heating system isn’t checked regularly. For example, in New York City, the Department of Buildings requires that all boilers in buildings with six or more apartments, or any mixed use or commercial use building, be inspected each year. There is a violation of up to $1,000 per year if this inspection isn’t adhered to.
Lastly, some warranties even require an annual service record or the warranty on your boiler can be voided.
Ensure your boiler is working effectively, efficiently, and safely by scheduling an annual inspection with a qualified Energo technician. Annual inspections cannot only extend the life of your system but can also help save you money and provide peace of mind. Schedule your annual tune up today!