Local Law 84 - Energo

local law 84

Local Law 84

Is Your Building’s Local Law 84 Benchmarking Data Accurate?

Building owners and managers of buildings over 25,000 square feet must report their energy and water consumption by May 1st each year as part of Local Law 84 (LL84). This annual Benchmarking Report enables building owners to track their energy costs, consumption, and CO2 emissions while uncovering opportunities to improve energy efficiency and save on energy costs. It is also a critical step in preparing for Local Law 97 (LL97) which sets stringent CO2 emission limits.

If conducted properly and the benchmarking data is up-to-date and accurate, building owners and managers can use the data to calculate their carbon footprint and ensure compliance with the emission limits set by LL97.

If inaccurate data is obtained, the building owner could be responsible for exponential costs in order to become energy efficient and compliant with LL97.

Therefore, it is crucial that building owners and managers take the LL84 Benchmarking Reporting process seriously and avoid these common mistakes. 

Common Mistakes

Unfortunately, we have seen many mistakes with LL84 submissions over the years – especially with the lack of oversight. These mistakes can result in an incorrect energy efficiency score and incorrect building emissions – which can lead to unexpected costs and significant penalties.

Failing to Report on Time: One of the most common mistakes is missing the reporting deadline. The deadline for LL84 Benchmarking is May 1st of each year, and failure to report on time can result in penalties.

Incorrect Building Information: Another common mistake is submitting incorrect building information, such as the building size, building use allocations, number of floors, and occupancy. Accurate information is extremely essential for benchmarking to be effective.

Not Including All Required Data: The LL84 Benchmarking data includes energy consumption for the entire building, such as electricity, natural gas and fuel/heating oil, water consumption, and building use details. Missing even one piece of data can cause the entire report to be inaccurate.

Not Verifying Data Accuracy: It’s important to verify that the data you are reporting is accurate. This can be done by reviewing your utility bills and comparing them to your benchmarking report.

Not Keeping Records: Building owners and managers are required to keep records of their LL84 Benchmarking Reports for at least three years. Failure to keep accurate records can result in penalties.

Is Your Benchmarking Data Accurate? 

Beginning May 1, 2025 (and every subsequent year thereafter), a qualified professional will be required to certify a building’s energy usage, as well as 2024 carbon emissions. This would essentially validate or disprove a building’s LL84 submissions over the years. If inaccurate data was submitted or mistakes were made, the building’s CO2 emissions could be misleading, potentially leaving the building owner responsible for substantial costs in order to become energy efficient and compliant.

Is your building’s LL84 benchmarking data accurate? Is your building on track to comply with LL97’s emission limits? Are you aware of the potential fines if your building is not on track? Energo can help. We have been helping buildings across New York City comply with NYC’s Local Laws since 2010 – providing full transparency and accuracy to ensure building compliance.

Energo Can Help

Energo’s qualified and experienced team of energy experts can conduct the benchmarking for your building(s) to help ensure your data is accurate, compliant, and submitted to authorities according to DOB guidelines. In addition, we’ll assess your building’s current CO2 emissions compared to requirements set forth by LL97 to determine if your building is on track with emission requirements. We will also provide estimated fines you may be responsible for – so you can plan accordingly.

  • LL84 Benchmarking: Conducted by Energo’s energy experts to ensure your data is accurate, compliant, and submitted to authorities according to DOB guidelines.
  • LL97 Status Report: Your building’s current CO2 emissions will be analyzed and compared to limits set forth by LL97 to determine if your building is on track with emission requirements. Estimated penalties will also be calculated in your report – so you can plan accordingly.

Avoid the mistakes in CO2 calculations and avoid the hassle. Prepare for Local Law 97 with an accurate LL84 Report.  Let Energo be your expert.

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