Help Your Business Reach Its Sustainability Goals - Energo
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Help Your Business Reach Its Sustainability Goals



While many states are enforcing green initiatives to cut back on harmful greenhouse gas emissions, incorporating sustainability goals within your business can help enhance your corporate brand, improve energy efficiency, reduce costs, and promote long-term growth.

There are many different practices your business can implement to become more sustainable. But how do you go beyond simply reducing, recycling, and buying local? What are other innovative ways to integrate sustainability into your business? 

Green Electricity – When compared to non-green or “standard” energy sources, such as fossil fuels, like gas, oil, and coal, green energy provides a sustainable source of energy and reduces pollution, promoting a cleaner environment. When you enroll in a Green Energy plan, Renewable Energy Certificates (also known as Renewable Energy Credits or RECs) are purchased on your behalf. By purchasing RECs, you’re getting certified proof you’re supporting green energy and encouraging the generation of more green energy.

Solar InstallationsSolar power helps reduce energy costs, protects you from volatile energy rates, allows you to store excess energy, and helps increase the value of your property. Systems can include roof tops, ground mounts, parking decks, parking canopies, and hybrid systems. When you install solar systems, you can elevate your business’s sustainability and environmental goals with immediate and long-term savings and often zero upfront costs.

Community Solar – If you don’t have the ability to install solar on their property, community solar is a great option. Community solar is a program where small businesses, organizations, and municipalities can subscribe to local solar projects in their community and receive credits on their electricity bill, offsetting electricity costs by up to 10%. It’s a great way to support locally produced green energy while lowering your carbon footprint.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations – As EV market shares increase, EV Charging Stations are becoming a key investment for business owners. Installing EV Charging Stations helps increase the value of your property, attracts more customers, and can also serve as a source of revenue for your business. Showcase your business’s modernization and get ahead of the curve with an EV Charging Station.

Demand Response – Businesses that participate in a Demand Response program can be compensated for temporarily reducing energy consumption during peak demand times. Industrial manufacturing plants are great candidates for demand response because they have high electricity usage, and in some cases, can shift production times to other parts of the day. Other facilities such as school districts, colleges/universities, commercial real estate, hospitals, data centers, and any other industry that has the tendency to consume a large amount of electricity in a short period of time during a peak event are great candidates. Be rewarded for reducing consumption and increasing the reliability of the grid!

GeothermalGeothermal uses the energy in the earth to heat and cool a building. Designed to keep a consistent temperature year-round in a building, geothermal solutions help businesses eliminate fossil fuels as a source for heating and cooling building, which reduces their carbon footprint.

Bioheat® Fuel – Bioheat® fuel is a blend of traditional ultra-low sulfur heating fuel with renewable biodiesel. Renewable biodiesel is biodegradable fuel manufactured from vegetable oil, animal fat, or recycled restaurant grease. Because of its lower sulfur content, Bioheat® fuel releases fewer toxic emissions into the environment, making it cleaner and safer for the environment than standard heating oil. Bioheat® fuel is a clean and biodegradable fuel option for customers who use heating oil.

Energo Can Help You Reach Sustainability Goals

Whether you’re looking to add brand value, increase efficiency, attract new opportunities, or comply with regulatory initiatives, integrating sustainable solutions into your business is becoming increasingly important. For more information on how you can integrate sustainable practices within your business  – contact us today.