Maintenance and Compliance Excellence from Energo - Energo

Maintenance and Compliance Excellence from Energo



The building and compliance codes in New York City can feel like gridlock traffic on the Cross Bronx Expressway to a smaller or inexperienced energy company. At Energo, we have been using our thorough understanding of compliance codes to provide full-service energy solutions to the businesses and buildings of New York City for over 25 years!


Our team of energy experts and mechanical engineers work hard to stay up to date on all building laws and compliance codes so we can provide our customers with heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration services and installations.


Energy Efficiency

Local Law 97 was passed in 2019 to help combat the rising threat of climate change inside New York City by reducing carbon emissions in commercial businesses. The law requires buildings over 25,000 square feet to reduce carbon emissions by 40% by the year 2030 and 80% by 2050. Learn about where your building’s efficiency lands with a 13-point prescriptive energy conservation inspection from Energo. We will assess your building’s status against each of the 13 perspective energy conservation measures and offer detailed suggestions for improvement.


Full-Service HVAC Solutions

Our experienced staff of technicians, mechanics, and electricians, can design, install, and maintain energy efficient HVAC systems. Updating your building’s outdated and inefficient HVAC equipment will improve your comfort, reduce energy consumption, and improve your indoor air quality.


Fuel Conversions

The New York City Council passed a bill in February 2023 to end the use of No. 4 oil by July 1, 2027. No.4 oil is a blend of diesel and fuel oil, which doesn’t burn clean and adds pollutants to the environment. Converting to a cleaner fuel source like No.2 oil or natural gas will both improve air quality by reducing carbon emissions and comply with Local Law 97! Energo can help you decide which fuel option is best for your building and budget.


While navigating the compliance codes of New York City can be a daunting task, never fear because Energo is here! You can trust our team of energy experts to help with every installation, repair, and delivery service your building requires to stay up to code.


Click here to send us your questions or to request more information on any of our services.